About me


Dear visitor and future fan,

I hope this finds you well, like the proverbial watering hole – cool and thoroughly hydrated at your centre. My name is Alpha; I’m a Fitness professional by day and a storyteller by night. I’m a young 34 and have been writing creatively since I was 16. More interestingly, I’m in a long-term relationship with Haikus. I hope they one day make an honest poet out of me.

In the past, my bios have ended up too formal and lacking in personality, my attempt to be taken seriously as a writer. However, I’m told that my endless optimism and passion are my standout traits, so now I’ll try to be 100% me. Hopefully, my joie de vivre comes across better than Arnie’s did in Terminator.

From the ages of 16 to 27 all my works were poems about secondary school crushes or university heartbreak. Unfortunately, I was that clichéd guy. It wasn’t until some summer’s day on my 27th year on earth, that through either inception or divine intervention I got the idea to write a novel. In self-publishing ‘The Atheist’, I discovered that a lifetime of consuming fiction like Galactus on cheat day wasn’t for nought – I had a latent talent for weaving stories. Since then I’ve written copious short stories and Haiku’s for my blog, and entered literary competitions. Desperate like unrequited love, to develop my craft further with each whack of the space bar. Hopefully, one day becoming like the genius creators of fiction I adore.

I know 27 is a pretty late arrival to the fiction festival. Regardless, I believe I humble spirit like plain white rice, and it’s married to my limitless passion and work ethic. I believe in time that will make up for what I lacked in a formal literary education.

I love the place in my heart where words live, and I want the world to love it too.

© Alpha Maurice Cidade Cauwenbergh – Storyteller, Poet & Intern at Wordsmith Inc. 2019. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Alpha Maurice Cidade Cauwenbergh – Storyteller, Poet & Intern at Wordsmith Inc. with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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